E, Tomeh, S, Sann, Sources of Noise and Vibration on Car Gearboxes, Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2024), Novi Sad, Serbia, Springer Nature Switzerland, 1, ISBN: 978-3-031-80511-0, p. 562-575, 14 pages, ISSN: 2211-0984,n. 4, [Online],2024
S, Sann, E, Tomeh, ONLINE DIAGNOSTIC OF ROLLING BEARINGS OF ELECTRIC DRIVE OF POWERTRAIN, DIAGO 2024, Olomouc, VŠB - TU Ostrava, ISBN: 978-80-248-4721-4, p. 177-183, 7 pages, [Online],2024
E, Tomeh, S, Sann, NOISE SOURCES OF PASSENGER CARS, Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration: Amsterdam - 2024, The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 1, ISBN: 978-90-90-39058-1, 7 pages, [Online],2024
S, Sann, E, Tomeh, T, Petr, Methods of detection and localization of the sources of noise and vibration on car gearboxes: a review, Journal of Vibroengineering, Kaunas University of Technology, EXTRICA, p. 808-842, 35 pages, ISSN: 1392-8716,n. 4, [Online],2024
S, Sann, E, Tomeh, In-cylinder pressure and vibration analysis on port fuel injected gasoline engine, Vibroengineering Procedia (68th International Conference on Vibroengineering in Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 4-6, 2024), p. 15-20, 7 pages, ISSN: 2345-0533,n. APRIL 2024, [Online],2024
S, Sann, E, Tomeh, T, Petr, T, Zvolský, R, Voženílek, Early-Stage Detection of Engine and Transmission Using Order Analysis, Advances in Mechanism Design IV, Switzerland, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, p. 94-104, 11 pages, ISSN: 2211-0984,n. September, [Online],2024
S, Sann, E, Tomeh, DETECTION AND LOCALIZATION THE SOURCES OF VIBRATION AND NOISE ON CAR GEARBOX BY USING FREQUENCY ANALYSIS, 48. mezinárodní konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů: 14.-16.9. 2022, chata Pyramida, osada Jizerka, Liberec, KVM, Technical University of Liberec (TUL), ISBN: 978-80-7494-606-6, p. 134-142, 9 pages, [Online],2022
Outgoing Mobility
22.05.-26.05., HU, Balatonfüred, KOD 2024, konference, konference