He graduated from the University of Liberec, where he studied the design of internal combustion engines and continued his postgraduate studies. He works for ŠKODA AUTO a.s. and specialises in developing internal combustion engines in the testing field. During his career with the company, he has held several positions, including team leader.
Since 2013, he has also been an employee of the Technical University of Liberec, an associate professor and lecturer. He cooperates with other universities, such as the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Brno University of Technology.
He has several patents and utility models to his credit and has published over 100 research reports and dozens of articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Power Units I
K, Páv, Zařízení pro variabilní natáčení vačkové hřídele spalovacího motoru, [Online],2020
K, Páv, Slučovač elektrických signálů, [Online],2020
K, Páv, Kliková skříň se sestavou pro odvětrání klikové skříně, [Online],2020
K, Páv, Measurement of Residual Gas Content, XLIX. International scientific conferenceof the Czech and Slovak Universities, Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Combustion Engines, Nitra, Slovak Republic, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, ISBN: 978-80-552-1880-9, p. 104-112, 9 pages, 2018
K, Páv, SIMULATION OF CYCLE-BY-CYCLE VARIABILITY OF SI ENGINE, XLVIII. mezinárodní vědecká konference českých a slovenských univerzit a institucí zabývajících se výzkumem motorových vozidel a spalovacích motorů, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, ISBN: 978-80-7494-354-6, p. 4-11, 8 pages, 2017
S, Beroun, P, Brabec, K, Páv, Sbírka příkladů ke studiu předmětů zaměřených na pístové spalovací motory, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7494-270-9, 2016
S, Beroun, K, Páv, A, Dittrich, L, Mikulanin, Optimization Research Programme for Spark Plug with Integrated Chamber, XLVI. International Scientific Conference of the Czech and Slovak University Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Internal Combustion Engines, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 1, ISBN: 978-80-227-4424-9, p. 143-150, 8 pages, 2015
S, Beroun, P, Brabec, A, Dittrich, L, Mikulanin, K, Páv, Ignition of the Homogenous Mixture in the Engine Cylinder by Spark Plug with Integrated Chamber, XLVI. International Scientific Conference of the Czech and Slovak University Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Internal Combustion Engines, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 1, ISBN: 978-80-227-4424-9, p. 67-74, 8 pages, 2015